Girlfriend wants a break

Yesterday my girlfriend randomly told me “I saw a good looking guy at this cafe” I got a bit frustrated because it feels like she wants to say something with it. Earlier this month she photographed a guy she found good looking. I don’t appreciate it and yesterday she got mad because she felt I raised my voice because she did this. She then said that “This isn’t working we need a pause or something” and then when I asked her again if she wants a pause she said “I don’t know”. I told her on iMessage that I “want this to work and but if she doesn’t think we can work it out we might need a break”

I am very generous towards her and pay when we go to a cafe, bought flowers, giving her small gifts.

Pretty sad over this. We have had some problems previous. I remember when I wasn’t sure about her birthday and had to ask she got pissed and is still mad about it 5 months later. This was her first birthday when in a relationship with me. And when I didn’t buy flowers on valentines even though I didn’t get the time to she got extremely angry. She says things like “you don’t love me” I do everything for her all the time and because of these small reasons she says she don’t think I love her. I always make sure she gets her way and I try to make her happy.

She have made fun of my clothing style, cussed me out in front f her parents, said very mean things and I still forgave her for this.

Something that’s annoying is that she says that she “don’t know” if she wants a break. Last thing I texted was “If you don’t think we can talk this out and dont work a break is maybe what we need” She haven’t replied to me since yesterday. So when I suggest a break or in my opinion a “breakup” she don’t seem to answer.

Also she can look at other guys and tell me they look good, She says she don’t find making out with someone is cheating. But if I look at porn I am cheating

Thx for all the replies