Winter Cover for the Leatherette
I live in the Upper Midwest and the small room I have my computer set up in lets in all of the cold. If I had to guess, I'd say this room's temperature is somewhere in the low 40s even though my thermostat is set to 67. My chair is the TITAN Evo 2022 series Small with the NEO Hybrid Leatherette, and sitting in it right now is miserable. I was looking at the skins, but my partner says that buying one of those wouldn't help at all, it'd just be cold fabric over cold pleather.
I'm not buying a new chair, I like this one the rest of the year and I just finished paying it off. If you need background on why I bought leatherette when I live in the Upper Midwest, when I first bought the chair I lived in a new build house in Florida and didn't know I was going to be moving. And obviously I'm looking into space heaters and window insulation kits and whatnot because a bit of fabric over the chair won't help my freezing fingers and toes. I just need to know if the skins will help keep the chair from freezing, or if there's another solution I can try.