My space fighter ideas, are they good?
So, in my setting, i have space fighters that are deployed from torch-ship carriers. They mass up to 5 K-tons, and are used to supplement drones which carry more armaments in exchange for loss of versatility.
right now, i have 2 basic patterns for available fighters, each one with its own benefits and weaknesses
- the NTR fighter: dirt cheap, fast, effective and reliable. This is what everyone can afford and build. It ain't a bad design, but it is lower tech.
NTR Fighter
Crew: 3
Diameter: 18 meters
Height: 70 meters
Mass: 3.5 Kt
Drive: A souped up open cycle gas core NTR that provides 1.64 Gs of acceleration
DV: 94 Km/s
Remass: Hydrogen
1x 60 MW UV laser in ball mount
15x defensive missiles
4x SRM bus
6x mine dispensers
A whipple around the ship, and armored compartments
12x countermeasure dispensers
ECM system
- MMO fighter: More expensive, more endurant, and less stealthy than the NTR. This heavily armed fighter is one of the more common designs.
MMO Fighter
Crew: 3
Diameter: 20 meters
Height: 100 meters
Mass: 3.8 Kt
Drive: A thermonuclear MMO drive with a 0.7 G acceleration
DV: 345 Km/s
Remass: Reaction Products
2x 100 MW UV lasers in ball mounts with 6 beam pointers for them
6x SRM missile busses
4x LRM busses
30x defensive missiles
A whipple around the ship, and armored compartments
12x countermeasure dispensers
ECM system