Humans naming aliens in common language
The discussion about naming new aliens brought to me something I thought about before. How would humans, and especially human soldiers, call aliens (and mother things, such as technology) in everyday language. Of course, there are different names for aliens and technology and so on, but they are often long and complicated… And some humans may not even feel like using their proper names.
I first thought about it when I discussed Bohandi with 100Stratsman and we needed a short version for the “Bohandi” name. He came up with “Bohans” and I decided it would be used by humans, United Nations Space Force soldiers. Since then, I came up myself with some other names used by them: Ants for Ansoids (they are like ants), Ts for Bohandi Fighters (from their shape), Triangles for Earth Fighters (also after their shape), Bees for Ansoid ships (their shape, too, and also reference to insects).
These are all unofficial names and I still haven’t named everything (Torids, Bird - Shaped Colds (they certainly need another name), Varnathi, Cfa’at, Earth Carriers, Soyuz 2, Bohandi Cruiser and so on).
So, I would like to ask you if you thought about it and what do you think about such things? What would humans unofficially call aliens and their (and new human) technology? Feel free and welcome to say anything you want from the subject