Grammar doesn’t make sense anymore?

Hey there.

I already have a host of mental illnesses. Got a bad batch of genes when it comes to health and then an extremely bad childhood.

I have most of the early symptoms of schizophrenia, but not all of them are new. For example, I have OCD, so intrusive thoughts and compulsions aren’t unusual. I have MDD, so depression is no stranger to me.

But lately things have seemed a bit different. One of the most unusual symptoms I can’t put my finger on is related to grammar. I have always been excellent at language, I studied linguistics. But now certain verbs don’t sound right to me.

For example, sometimes when I write “I was”, I can’t tell if it’s correct. I try to figure out if it is “I were”. That happens with almost all forms of “to be” (was/were/is/are). I’ve never had a problem with plurality before. I just let my fingers write whatever they do and hope it’s correct, but I cannot find the logic or grammatical rule in my head anymore. It doesn’t ring true. And I keep making other weird mistakes that I didn’t used to, like basic typos (right/write) and I constantly mess up verb endings (use one tense when I was sure I used another).

On top of that I’ve slowly lost all interest in socialization. I have a partner and it’s cool to hang out with him, but even then I feel less involved. I hang out with friends, and it feels like a “thing to do,” but when I leave I just feel… de-activated? Not sad. I find I don’t really enjoy being around people at all. It’s not fear or insecurity (although I have BDD and am very insecure). I just don’t have the motivation for it.

Anyways, it was just now I realized the grammar thing might be a bigger issue. Has anyone experienced this? I’m a young adult and I don’t use any drugs and am not on antipsychotics.