When the majority of Disney slop eventually gets decanonized, what would you call it?
Just as the old EU was decanonized and relabeled Legends, what would you propose that most of the Disney canon be relabeled when it is eventually tossed in the trash heap where it belongs?
I'm looking for serious, plausible suggestions,
- Tall Tales
(because it sounds respectable enough, but still has a hint of "who would believe this shit?") - Legends, Phase 2
(because I'm already out of serious ideas)
as well as joke suggestions that no one would ever actually use,
- High Tales
(because "what were they smoking when they wrote this shit?") - Nightmares
(because self-explanatory)
What are your suggestions?
Let's presume for the sake of argument that this is a curated decanonization.
Definitely still canon:
Rogue One
Andor, Seasons 1 and 2
Assumed still canon if you prefer:
Clone Wars
The Mandalorian, Seasons 1 and 2
Everything else is decanonized.
(Except for comics and books, which I'm not familiar with, but apply the same curation rules.)