One of the reasons why I hate the Roblox community.

What I hate the most in Roblox is when you get in an argument with someone or they just haras you for no reason. They would say stuff like " At least i'm not a furry " or something similar to that depending on what your character looks like. Like these people are so pathetic. Like grow up, hating on furries was a thing in 2010 - 2012. Like seriously. Not just that, these people would play a game that allows you to use a sign, and they would use it to make fun of people. Which is bullying, but since their using a sign and not text chat, they can avoid the moderators wrath.

I also hate how people would also target furry games. It's just so foolish. They would mass dislike these furry games on Roblox. Which just makes furry haters even more pathetic. In the end, people can be whatever they want, and if you don't like that, then too bad, deal with it. There's nothing furry haters can do to stop this from happening.