Superb-Secretary-664 Exposed [CW]

Look buddy, now that I am a bit more calmed down, I would like to actually Expose you :)

See, you aren't really wrong about me being the Sherriff.

Would a Sherriff leave such a hatefull Post leaving be as it is?


I will be talking about your litte Dirty Post that you have made about me.

You get your Info from your Ass.

Not even kidding.

I am not known as "ValkyrieDeveloper", I am known as Johannes Bürger, Valkyrie Developer or the Detective.

I was never a mod in this Community.

Where do you get this Information from?

Look buddy, now I understand why some people that hate me say that I expose executors like crazy.

Because they want to stop me from Exposing them.

They want the Exposes to stop.

They are wrong, I am back.

For maybe one final Expose.

And ontop of that, the release of Valkyrie, well the Source was Successful.

It is open source, go skid from it.

I don't care.

Oh the Irony, you being the bad guy here.

Oh man, bro thinks I made no Progress Since Summer?

Well I am not mad at Lui.

But mad at you for literally almost dying of an heart attack.

Visit the new and Improved Server., I think I won't be failing tomorrow.

Valkyrie is released.

And we actually have decent Staff now, that do not give false Info. Who are the Staff Members?

Well, a bold new beginning is upon us. And I will decide the new Staff Members.

Valkyrie was able to Inject, at one Point. I literally didn't Update it for a while, but Okey on that side.

I as a Real Hero and the GOAT for going against YOU! You made my friend of 5 years go against me. But I am still loyal to him.

Because you don't know nothing about Friendship, nor do you know about what fatherhood is.

I did not have to leak the Init Script of Valkyrie, but I did, and everyone who waited for Valkyrie should be happy now with these changes.

Few words from me to you. Mr. Superb. If you want to be the Sheriff and the Hero of the Community, then that's really great and you were doing such a great Job. But Behind the scene, you really strew up the straws against me. And you knew exactly what would happen to you after that Post, no one would believe you anymore, because who he tries to stop a Helper, is the hatter himself.

I believe, this award goes to Mr. Superb, the one and only that managed to make me anger like hell and delete my Server.

I was temped by Nexterals anyway, but we are now Friends. Hopefully.

Unlike you Mr. Kopiuje Twoje Wiadomoṡci, you won't be missed.

You tried to tell people that Vakyrie Scammed, but no.

I actually got a disadvantage because I made this Product.

With my own Flesh and BLOOD.

I took hours of my life coding it.

I will be now taking your Reputation as I go, go and help people.

You made me go crazy, you made me go happy, you made me go Funny?

Wait Funny?

Oh yea, I analyzed your little Post as soon as you Posted it.

Thank you David's Star. You were a help for finding if this guy liked Satan, or if Satan liked him.

And no, my Project didn't fail.

It just didn't release at the right moment.

I lost money in this Project, days of tears.

Money is not the only thing lost.

My Insanity is one of them.

I spend 50 hours coding this and still getting hated on, you threat me like crap and endanger my Community Members in my Server?

No no, I am the danger here.

And you will be soon gone.

I sorrowly apology to whom that I have made angry, happy or sad with the last two Posts. Or the Messages I have left in the Discord Servers. Really am Happy to be back, but I think, I will be taking a LONGGGG Vacation. Chatting once in a while, I am really bored now.

Nothing really to do.

Just wait till people use the Init Script and improvise their Anti Cheat System.

Yea, let me switch Sides for a couple of Months.

Not a big deal I think?

There are plenty of people that need to be exposed in that Community anyway.

Like I had some people in mind, but they might not get much attention as the people that are famous there.

Oh yea, almost forgot. Do not come seeking me, I really do not want to be disturbed by your presents Mr. Long Bottom, I will make a visit to you.

So you can feel Liquid Death near you.

Because I will never stop flowing after being better then you.

Mr Pottah will now be leaving this POST as it is.

And sending you to your Grave.