How to decline a hug politely?

I’m (34f) a big hugger, and so is a good friend of mine (33m) that I’ve known for about 8 years. If he or I want a hug, we give each other a big hug.

He’s married to another man, so no issues with feelings here. Trouble is, he has a dandruff problem and last time I saw him it was out of control. He brushed his shoulders off in my presence and it was like he was shaking a salt shaker.

He and I take the same meds so I know it’s dry skin caused by taking them. The thing is I use dandruff shampoo and make sure I don’t have an issue. He and his husband lived with me for a few months and he was using my dandruff shampoos, so he’s well aware of their existence and that he has an issue.

Last time I saw him I was grossed out and definitely didn’t want a hug. I just recently got a boyfriend and I’m concerned if I decline a hug (“ah, no thanks, I’d rather not hug”) they are going to think my boyfriend is controlling or something since we’ve always hugged before.

I’m wondering if I can try to say it in a sassy, playful way “boy no I don’t want a hug, you’re snowing harder than a blizzard” but I wonder if that will still hurt his feelings.

I think if I told his husband directly, he probably wouldn’t do much about it (I have a suspicion that he doesn’t help my friend in his appearance because he doesn’t want him being approachable — my friend is attractive and husband has reason to have trust issues. Just a disclaimer, they do go to couples therapy but I definitely don’t want to have any say in their relationship)

Thanks if you got this far reading! Am I overthinking it? Should I just grit my teeth and bear it and hug? Should I just say “I’d prefer not to have a hug at this time”? Should I say his dandruff issue is getting out of hand?

TLDR: my buddy’s dandruff problem has gotten really bad and I don’t want to hurt his feelings by declining a hug but not sure the best way to go about it.

Thanks for any input!