My girlfriend is pregnant. Her family promised support but kicked her out today

I'm 17 and she's 18. We already decided to keep the baby, please don't tell us otherwise, and her family said they would help. My family says they will help. The problem is that her family has more financial resources than mine and we were counting on that.

I already know, if you can't support a baby then don't have one. We can support our child but not if we go to school (both of us) and we want to. We're looking into youth recourses right now since she's essentially without a home. She's staying with me and my parents are supportive but we feel judgement.

She got into an argument today with her parents because they wanted her to clean the garage and she didn't feel like it being pregnant (11 weeks). She told me to come over and help but I was busy. They told us if we can't help for one day they're not going to bother with us because we're ungrateful and selfish. My girlfriend got angry and argued and they told her I can support her since I knocked her up and to get the fuck out of their house.

Somehow we need to apologise and I don't know how because they terrify me. I feel so small in front of them and it's pathetic. I just don't know how to handle them. Any ideas?