Is anyone else totally gutted by Michelle Trachtenberg’s death?

I'm not even a millennial and was still sucking my thumb when Buffy and Eurotrip were in vogue, but Michelle's death is really hitting me hard. The last time I felt this upset about a celebrity dying was when Dolores O'Riordan drowned. I grew up watching Harriet the Spy and it wasn't like I really watched Michelle in anything else, but seeing old videos of her as a little kid breaks my heart.

There was one of her and Amanda Bynes saying happy birthday to Blue from Blue's Clues as children, and I nearly started fucking BAWLING. Seeing those two little girls smiling for the camera while one of them (confirmed) was being severely abused off set, and the other one is now dead, just hurts me.

Is there anyone else from early Gen Z who feels this impacted by her death? It's been two weeks and I still can't process that she's gone. It makes me more sad that a bunch of her tributes were from her Eurotrip era (when she was the "it girl"), and that everyone treated her like garbage during her final days because she didn't look 20 anymore. Seeing how devoted she was to her cats really touched me, and she clearly had a kind heart that mattered far more than her looks.

Sorry for the 3 a.m. rant but fuck...why couldn't the man above take Andy Dick instead?