RS Sydney community

Hello to everyone in Sydney. I (32M) am a founder of an RS Bookclub in Sydney, we are stable at 10+ members at a 50/50 M-F split. There is another bookclub running at 8 members with a 80/20 gender split. Both mostly zoomers. Both meeting fortnightly.

Me along with the other founder (32M) are wondering if there is any interest for any wider meetups (we are keen to host) or another bookclub (I am keen to help get it set up) in Sydney. There are already a handful of people who could not join my bookclub because it filled up too fast. So there are already people looking for a home.

Most of my close friends are luckily in the arts/rs-adjacent. What I have found in the people who turn up to these is that they may not have that. These provide it :)

I know inclusivity/open door stuff is all good and that. But also, this is the internet. So I'll probably have some sort of vetting process/survey/form to fill out if you're keen.

If you are keen to:

  1. go to a meetup/hang
  2. join a possible 3rd bookclub
  3. host a bookclub or help organise community stuff

please DM/comment.