My Grindr Perv Bf and I got seperate jobs to begin our new lifestyle as resentful roommates obliged to trudge through life together through a mutual understanding that neither of us can do better.
I work with kids now and am too tired to care about anything. He got a cooking job during afternoon/nights so our schedules will only ever overlap on weekend mornings. For all I know he's fucking an intellectually disabled line cook on his hourly smoke breaks but it doesn't matter because I'm spending 6-9am and 2-6pm with 20 insane second graders. I am sexless, tired, and defeated. I love the job though, despite how sad it makes me that I'm nowhere close to having a family of my own. Boyfriend gets home at midnight while I'm sleeping and I wake up at 3 am and eat the free Turkish food he leaves in the fridge. Today I'm going to buy weed and he's going to go to a sex addiction meeting. Then we'll hang out and get high for a couple hours until he leaves for work. That's my life now if you were wondering. If you weren't wondering idc, pray for me anyway.