Best Anti-Aliasing settings?

Hey all,

The amount of graphics options in RDR 2 is insane. I haven't been fully exploring them yet as I'm expecting a new rig to arrive in a couple of days.

When it does, I expect to be able to turn up pretty much every graphics setting to the max at 1440p.

However, from what I understand the anti-aliasing options aren't as simple as turning up to the max. So I've got some questions about them which I hope can be answered here.

  • TAA and FXAA aren't very resource heavy but apparently blur the image. So for the best image quality, do I use them both? And should I put TAA on max? What setting should I put TAA sharpening at? Or should I not use it at all in favour of AMD's own sharpening settings (and if so what should that be set at?)? Maybe use both even?
  • Assuming for a moment my pc can handle it, do I want to use MSAA? If so, can I forget about the other 2 AA options, or should I use all 3 together?


EDIT: Thanks for the replies so far everyone! Very helpful.

But I gave it some more thought, and I should've phrased it differently:

  • What settings at what strength in and out of the game, are needed to neutralize the blur that TAA and FXAA create (if at all possible), while avoiding oversharpening / removing blur that the devs intended?