Does anyone else feel like it’s impossible to have a healthy pregnancy?
I seem to get pregnant quickly. I have 2 times now. But each time was a loss and it was what would be considered a less likely loss. My first was a complete molar that developed into choriocarcinoma. Once cleared I conceived first cycle with an ectopic. That resolved with one dose of MTX so I have both tubes. But I feel hopeless.
I’m doing my research and trying to get my body and mind healthy. Everything I read says basically the stars have to align. You need the healthy sperm and egg. That most early losses are due to chromosomal abnormality. How are people getting so lucky and having no losses? That their first egg is perfect? I feel so abnormal. That maybe my egg quality is terrible.
I’ve never seen an embryo or a heartbeat. Or any good scan. It feels like an impossible thing to achieve yet I’m surrounded by pregnant women. It feels so out of reach but right there in my face at the same time. It’s really messing with my mind.
My fertility doc says to keep trying naturally and thinks I’ve just had bad luck. I’m 30. This is my plan, after my HSG I’m getting soon. It feels like I’m standing in a deep hole looking at the top with no way to climb up. It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.