Ashermans, scar tissues, adhesions after D&C
Hi everyone, I had a D&C for retained tissue back in November and conceived in December, but resulted in a MMC and found out it was due to adhesions/Ashermans. I have so many questions about this right now.
I may need to go thru D&C again for this MMC - Should I address this with a RE specialist? What advice do you have for a D&C hysteroscopy and removal of adhesion at the same time when it comes to technique and tools? So scared another D&C is going to result in even more scarring.
Since my adhesion developed right after my D&C, I'm worried that I'm prone to scarring and that this will continue to develop. Is the treatment just to keep resecting while maintaining uterine lining?
I live in Cleveland, OH - Ill be seeing a RE specialist (Dr Julie Tan in Cleveland Clinic) but may consider going straight to a specialist. - I see Dr Rebecca Flyckt in the region and am considering Dr Isaacson as well. Wondering if they would address the D&C as well tho or only the adhesion aspect? Also, any other recommendations?
Thank you all very much. Im so scared for this journey but Ive been learning so much in this group.