Daylight saving time

I fucking hate daylight saving time. It was started for a reason but is no longer as needed. It only serves to mess with sleep cycles now.
It's constantly introduced as a bill to change over and over. As a person who works weekends it always ends up short changing me in spring and I don't care about the extra hour in fall. It's not worth it.
That's not even mentioning that it's not consistent across the country. Some have it, some don't.
What a stupid waste of an hour I could have slept and stayed on a regular schedule.
Does anyone actually like this??
Mon-Fri people aren't as affected so maybe they like it? But what about all of us who are fucked out of an hour of sleep before a full work day?
I work weekends to make extra for bills, it's not like I can switch. I pick up extra all the time as is.
Stupid, stupid, stupid hour less of sleep when I have trouble sleeping anyway.
I know there are bigger problems in the world right now but it's messing with my night and will mess with me all day tomorrow.