Sri Akal Takht Sahib (Throne of the Timeless One) - Today’s Decisions

  • Prakash Singh Badal has been posthumously stripped of the 'Panth Ratan Fakhr-e-Qaum' title by the Akal Takht. The decision, citing misdeeds against Sikh interests during his tenure as Punjab CM, was made during a gathering of SGPC-appointed Jathedars at Akal Takht today.

  • Sukhbir Singh Badal admits his mistakes before Akal Takht Sahib. He acknowledged granting pardon to Sirsa Dera head Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh in the blasphemy incident.

  • Sukhbir also admitted to promoting police officers who were involved in the killing of innocent Sikhs. Additionally, he confessed to giving advertisements in newspapers regarding Ram Rahim’s apology.

  • Sri Akal Takht Sahib Jathedar Gaini Raghbir Singh Ji ordered the "Plaque card" to be worn around the neck by the leaders "Guilty of religious misconduct" while performing the sewa.

  • Jathedar Gaini Raghbir Singh Ji orders all the facilities given by SGPC to the former Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib, Gaini Gurbachan Singh should be withdrawn.
