Sri Akal Takht Sahib (Throne of the Timeless One) - Today’s Decisions
Prakash Singh Badal has been posthumously stripped of the 'Panth Ratan Fakhr-e-Qaum' title by the Akal Takht. The decision, citing misdeeds against Sikh interests during his tenure as Punjab CM, was made during a gathering of SGPC-appointed Jathedars at Akal Takht today.
Sukhbir Singh Badal admits his mistakes before Akal Takht Sahib. He acknowledged granting pardon to Sirsa Dera head Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh in the blasphemy incident.
Sukhbir also admitted to promoting police officers who were involved in the killing of innocent Sikhs. Additionally, he confessed to giving advertisements in newspapers regarding Ram Rahim’s apology.
Sri Akal Takht Sahib Jathedar Gaini Raghbir Singh Ji ordered the "Plaque card" to be worn around the neck by the leaders "Guilty of religious misconduct" while performing the sewa.
Jathedar Gaini Raghbir Singh Ji orders all the facilities given by SGPC to the former Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib, Gaini Gurbachan Singh should be withdrawn.