Needing Help w/ Classical Conditioning!


I am currently in a Learning and Behavior course and am struggling with Classical Conditioning - specifically when it comes to writing out the phases in terms of US, CS, UR, and CR. I am hoping that maybe hearing it explained a different way will help something "click."

Thank you so much!


Here is an example of one of the questions:

1.     Your new dog really hates the sound of your hairdryer. He’s become so afraid of the sound that every time you pull out your hairdryer, he runs into the next room so that he can avoid the loud noise your hairdryer makes. Recently, you bought a new hairbrush that’s supposed to help you dry your hair before you blow-dry it. You’ve started using it every day now before your dry your hair. Before you start getting ready, in fact, you take both your new hairbrush and your hairdryer out of your cabinet at the same time. Today, however, even though you didn’t take out your hairdryer out when you took out your hairbrush, you noticed that your dog ran out of the room at the sight of your hairbrush. What classical phenomenon seems to have happened here? Point out each US, UR, CS, and CR and write out the phase(s).