Lucid nightmares/dreams
I just had the WORST most realistic nightmare of my life. I feel like I opened the fourth dimension and demons are coming for me. I'm 7 weeks FTM.
So I'm a typical dreamer, but never this vivid or intense and never have nightmares.
Last night I dreamt that I allowed my husband to sleep with someone else. And that bastard did! So, I got upset and left. While driving through town I noticed that everything started to look super sketch. Not like "bad neighborhood" sketch but just... bad
So I try finding my way home and the GPS keeps redirecting me. I have no idea where I am. The town just keeps getting worse and I'm pretty scared.
I go past this poster banner thing hanging over an alley. It was red with infernal writing on it with a dark humanoid figure. I'm just following the gps trying to gtfo
As I'm driving the entire world glitches almost like the matrix but no green. Then a weird warehouse/loading dock style door appears directly in front of me and the car just turns off. It won't work at all. And my phone has no service.
I'm in this weird alley with creepy apartments and it's basically like I'm at the entrance of hell but just not gory. Everything is fallen apart and a few residents are wandering like zombies
So I grab my shit and run. I go back under that weird poster and the world is bright again. I can breathe, and somehow, I'm in a Kmart style store. I'm completely disoriented but call my husband and tell him to get me ASAP.
While talking to my husband on the phone I approach a staff member and ask about the alley where my car is. He gets really intense and in my face telling me to absolutely NOT ever enter that alley. Never ever. I back away and eventually have to just walk away bc he's being so scary.
Im still in the store and get off the phone with my husband and start getting strange calls that show they're triangulating my location. I just know it's coming from that alley.
I contact the police and tell them I'm at a Kmart and they need to get there and they say there is no Kmart. I then ask them to track my location and they search for a minute before saying "ma'am... You have no location."
I woke up terrified and feel like these demons are actually in my house. It's been an hour and I'm still unsettled. I feel like they've infected my baby and now it'll be born possessed LOL 😭😭😭