Am I overreacting?

I have a 3 way group chat with a new friend in common with a girl I've been friends with since I was a teenager. (I'm 25) and thought she was a lil odd when she started texting in it daily after the 3 of us hung out once for an hour this past NYE. Any who, I found out I was pregnant Feb 2nd and we had never spoke of babies up until I found out I was preggo. She got completely fixated on that and did everything she could to suddenly get pregnant shortly after. She would send messages almost nightly about how she just got 'creampied' and give like all these details of how she was keeping the semen inside to get preggo. And then suddenly she said she and her boyfriend had been trying for a while to get pregnant and it never worked..... Well she sent a positive test probably around 2 weeks ago and she found out when she was like 8 days pregnant and had booked an ultrasound the day of at PP. Freaked out because they couldn't see the baby (because she literally just got pregnant but for some reason lied and told them she was 4 weeks pregnant) and has just been fucking non stop ever sense. I caught her lying about her saying her boyfriend was 'actively' trying to get her pregnant for a while, because now that she is he's not excited because hes 23 and he said he wasn't planning to have a baby and basically just said she started getting crazy about it out of nowhere....... I shit you not she has been daily been sending messages EVEN AT 9 DAYS PREGNANT about having food aversions, nausea, all this stuff but then when she was worried that they didn't see anything at 8 days pregnant she admitted she hasn't had any symptoms so she was concerned that they were saying they didn't see any signs of a fetus. It's just been so weird. Every day she's been non stop and normally I would be excited to have someone to relate to but I feel like she is pushing it all so hard. I struggled so bad between weeks 6-9 and she just doesn't understand idk. I'm sure she's starting to have symptoms at 4 weeks, but every single day its something but then shes out doing a whoooooole bunch of stuff which I feel like contradicts what she says and I just find it hard to believe how authentic shes being about it all because shes just been weirding me out entirely honestly. every day she just talks about herself nonstop and will go on and on and on & not pick up social cues of when to stop and sometimes its like overly detailed and TMI??? She once sent a photo of toilet paper after she wiped to show her discharge ?

We were all talking in the chat today and she of course is already just going on and on and on about how shes already created her baby registry and shes going to start sending it out and she sent it in the chat to my friend & I, and she was just saying how excited she is etc and I responded saying I'm just nervous because its a complete life change and something I've obviously never done before (she hasn't either) and that i hope i will be a good mom etc and she responded this entire paragraph saying this" sometimes being a mother isn't meant for everyone, you really have to consider if this is the right choice for you, it is going to be a life altering decision, and a addition to your life that once its here it is truly your responsibility. you are a very young girl and you already have a lot of animals, if you genuinely don't think being a mother is something your going to want to do for the next 16 years until they get their license, its okay to wait a bit longer. i don't want to stress you out but there are going to be sacrifices. this is legit the rest of your life that's going to be changed. god forbid they do a sport that you hate." and i was honestly appalled by this message. She made me feel like i was SO out of line for saying I'm genuinely nervous to be a mother and i get anxious thinking about it sometimes. Like who are you to tell me that at all? Idk. The girl just rubs me wrong honestly. Or maybe I'm just a bitch.