Anyone else not sharing your baby's name or sex until after birth?
I'm 9w and going to be learning the baby's sex in a few weeks. My husband and I decided that while we want to know the sex since we should have as much medical info as we can, we're not going to share with others until the baby is born.
We're also not sharing names, not even with our parents. We have a list, but we're not deciding on a name until we meet our baby. We don't have any tragedeighs on our list, we just don't want the input.
People can get so opinionated about names, and everyone seems to confuse sex with gender. Is anyone else not sharing this info? How much pressure have you got from your friends and family to share?
EDIT: Thanks for all your perspectives, especially from those of you who have been pregnant before! I'm feeling reassured that this is the right choice for me and my husband.