Surprisingly few appointments, ultrasounds, and tests in third trimester

Anyone else have less appointments, tests and ultrasounds than they thought they would during pregnancy?

I’m high risk due to advanced age and chronic illnesses, I failed my glucose tests (both one hour and the extended), I’m 34 weeks and still only have appointments once a month (and this time it was more like 5 and a half weeks in between)… I don’t start going every 2 weeks until 36 weeks .

I have no idea if everything is ok and how big my baby is, I haven’t seen an ultrasound since like week 20. Doctor just told me to eat better and exercise for glucose test failures even though I was doing that the whole time … every monthly visit has just been measuring my fundal height and giving me a print out with info. They aren’t even taking my vitals other than weight ……

Is this lack of care normal? Feeling super on my own and in the dark :(