4w and nearly bed ridden - normal?
I always envisioned I’d be one of those “fit” ladies whilst being pregnant - you know, the ones who create reels on instagram and sell you their work out routines and app. Kidding.. but I thought I’d have a lot more energy!
I’m nearly bed ridden, falling asleep every day around 7pm, getting up is cumbersome and exhausting. Once I’m up and doing things like cleaning, taking care of our pets, cooking etc. it’s okay but then I get nauseous. Bed is like my safe space. I’m just wondering if this is typical/normal?
The caveat is I’m also pregnant via IVF and my clinic has me on 4 pills of 2mg estrogen, 4 pills 200mg progesterone and a blood thinner injection daily for the first two months. I’m sure that’s not helping, and I’m not beating myself up too much because of that, but it’s still annoying because I’m terrified of gaining more weight and loosing my fitness (more than I already have with IVF this year).