5 months 5 days preggi and feeling like utter shit. How are you all feeling?

After an ectopic pregnancy last late July, I am pregnant again and it is in the womb, to start of with a good note! But I feel horrible and I am only very early in this rollercoaster. Idk what is awaiting me. It is my first so..

First off, and its gross but I have horrific diarrhea all the damn time. I make sure I drink enough by checking the color of my pee and that is al good. But constant urges to my colon and bladder at the same time even going so far that I literally shat myself per accident (and here I am telling gross things on the internet but my emotional state cannot really progress it so sorry)

Anyhow because of the shituation I feel depleted of everything. I do drink electrolytes and chicken broth for salts but it flows out me consistently idk what to do at this point

I also tried lots of food but none seem to appeal. It's all so bland. I do ''taste'' the flavours, but its like my mind or whatever doesn't progress the niceness of it? I could eat three different things and all say they taste like cardboard.

Headaches, bit emotional and all and I feel like I can't go outside afraid I am going to shit myself l o l. At this stage I am not sure if it is a stomach bug, I hope so cause that will mean the diarrhea will pass but I don't want it to hurt the baby either. Also feeling tired, but out of it and not really myself. I am in a committed relationship and I feel like I am extremely boring atm as I just want to lay down and to be left alone and at the same time I don't want to be left alone even though his presence annoys me (but he did nothing wrong) anyhow I can keep those feelings under control, we haven't had any fight or anything so jeej. Its more the physical sickness that makes me feel like this and influences the mental I suppose.

Ugh. Long rant. How are you guys doing? Any tips or advice or whatever you want to say!