The Biggest Turd

This might be TMI so I am so sorry for those who don’t like “potty talk.”

I have not pooped in 3 days. Literally just accepted the fact that it would happen whenever it happened because I had taken a laxative at 22-23 weeks and I told myself never tf again! (it kicked in 24 hours later and I had a family party to attend.)

I am currently 28+5 and had not pooped in 3 days, I woke up early this morning and decided to run some errands. I grabbed a chai tea and within 20-30 minutes my stomach was in SHAMBLES (I finished my shopping but definitely crop dusted a few people unintentionally, the last few days my farts have just spilled OUT.) I made it home and gave birth or at least what felt like it, to the biggest poop i’ve ever seen in my life. I am feeling very relieved and like I need a nap. Also decided to add more fiber to my diet.

Sorry for the disgusting story, but to be quite honest i’m feeling very proud of myself 🤣