When did you go into labor?

I’m a first time mom, currently 38 and 5 and I’m soooooooo over being pregnant lol.

I’ve been keeping it together but these past few days it’s been getting increasingly difficult to walk, roll over, pretty much do anything. I get tired and winded after simple tasks and I’ve been sleeping much more.

I’m still working and if I don’t go into labor naturally I’ll be working up until the day before I get induced (which will be one day after my due date)

So other FTM…. Did you go into labor before 40 weeks or were you induced? Any advice on how to keep my spirits up for these next two weeks?

I know I’m closer than I’ve ever been and it could be any day now. It’s just daunting. Also want to add I haven’t had any Braxton hicks, haven’t lost my mucus plug, I’m just uncomfortably pregnant 😅