What happens if I stop paying Credit Card in Quebec?
I owe 6000$ on CC, been the same for like a year and a half. Maybe even gone up slightly. Interest is 21 or 22%, something around there.
Also 6500$ in Student Loans which I assume never go away. They automatically take around 70$ a month, and the interest is around 10%. It's prime + something, fluctuates. Not 0% like some other provinces.
I make 1600$ post tax, union deductions, insurance, RQIP, RRQ, etc,. About 19$/hr. Dead-end, no raises, no promotions available. Never gonna change jobs or make more. Work is far, maybe about 400$/month in gas to get there. So really it's closer to 1200/mo net. Add registration, oil, tires, and you're probably closer to 1000.
I've taken overtime when available, shitload. Once worked 25 days in a row. But it just increases my deductions and I barely get more in pocket. Not worth the gas money or time.
Basically I've been in an endless rat-race trying to pay it off, but it's impossible. I even skip meals, skip entire days of eating, and only eat trash cheap food like sausages. It doesn't go down. I'm not willing to go to a food bank or beg or something like that.
I can't see myself realistically paying off the debt. I'm never going to buy a house, get a car loan, or anything where credit score matters. My phone bill is pre-paid carrier, pay, service, don't pay, no service. I stop paying here and there to save money, they keep your number for 90 days. I don't care about my credit score.
Wondering what happens if I stop paying credit card? No official bankruptcy or anything like that. Just stop paying.
The credit card, my direct deposit (primary/only) bank, and student loans are all through the same bank. Will they sue me, get my paycheck deducted? Will it include built-up interest?