1 year old, quirks and behaviors questions
Hello, I have several questions and situations about my mini.
My mini poodle is 1 year old. She is a very picky eater and does not want to eat her kibble. Whenever we visit my family she is fine with eating whatever the other dogs eat, which is hills kibble mixed with boiled lamb. She will even eat the kibble on its own when she's hungry at the end of the day.
She however goes on hunger strike at home. I don't give her boiled lamb at home, I would mix her food with ollie sometimes but she has grown bored of it. Should I stick the course and continue to feed her what I have and eventually she will eat? (I have tons of ollie still in the freezer). She sometimes receives scraps of food after dinner but not while we are eating and only if it's dog safe and placed in her bowl.
As she's grown she will try her hand at begging to others whenever she thinks she will be able to convince somebody. She does not beg me or family members who she knows will not give her food while we are eating as we want to discourage this. But if there is someone new, she will try to convince them to give her food while we are having a meal. We have made it a point not to give food to her while we are eating. Is this normal for poodles to try to beg despite what they are taught?
She also makes it a point to bark at strangers when we are in the car or at home, or whenever a stranger enters our home, sometimes very incessantly and persistently, but will not bark when we are walking/out and about. Is this also normal? She has been going out and experiencing different environments and situations since she was fully vaccinated as a puppy.
Is there any advice/tips/insight you could give?
Thank you in advance!