Big plot hole in relation to laquiums effects: (read desc)

Okay here's an ACTUAL point of discussion I just thought about; is it me or is there a bit of plot hole when it comes to the laquium. Cause when Pikachu and Charizard got affected, they said that only pokemon susceptible enough to it would get affected. Pikachu and Charizard being affected because they battled so much already. But here's the thing, when spinel used the shard on Umbreon, it was at full health and fell to it. Which again, if the main 3 and amethio's pokemon don't fall victum to it, then that makes him partner, someone who went toe to toe with cap, look weak.

But then there's even more of a question, liko Roy and dot's starters all had a tough battle against their explorer rivels, why weren't their pokemon affected. Why weren't any of the explorers pokemon that weren't Zygarde that were out effected since Umbreon is susceptible enough to it. I think laquium dust has favoritism lol.

The main thing that I think about is cap only being susceptible enough when weak, compared to a fully healthy rival pokemon like Umbreon that was a major roadblock for cap back then apparently being more susceptible to the effects. Idk maybe someone'll point out a flaw in my statement here and I'll look like a big ol Mr mime, but that's at least what I think.

I get what they did tho, getting rid of cap and zard so the main 4 could have a chance.

Okay here's an ACTUAL point of discussion I just thought about; is it me or is there a bit of plot hole when it comes to the laquium. Cause when Pikachu and Charizard got affected, they said that only pokemon susceptible enough to it would get affected. Pikachu and Charizard being affected because they battled so much already. But here's the thing, when spinel used the shard on Umbreon, it was at full health and fell to it. Which again, if the main 3 and amethio's pokemon don't fall victum to it, then that makes him partner, someone who went toe to toe with cap, look weak.

But then there's even more of a question, liko Roy and dot's starters all had a tough battle against their explorer rivels, why weren't their pokemon affected. Why weren't any of the explorers pokemon that weren't Zygarde that were out effected since Umbreon is susceptible enough to it. I think laquium dust has favoritism lol.

The main thing that I think about is cap only being susceptible enough when weak, compared to a fully healthy rival pokemon like Umbreon that was a major roadblock for cap back then apparently being more susceptible to the effects. Idk maybe someone'll point out a flaw in my statement here and I'll look like a big ol Mr mime, but that's at least what I think.

I get what they did tho, getting rid of cap and zard so the main 4 could have a chance.