Making a Volcarona costume

This is a cosplay I’ve been working on for a couple of months, planned for next DragonCon. Still in progress is a hat with the antennae horns attached and glowing eyes to match the Larvesta handbag. Volcarona is my favorite! I chose a ballgown because it’s always given me a “fluffy” vibe despite being a bit of a spiky bug.

The fit test is minus the wings because I am trying to build an electronic flutter setup and it’s not done yet.

I’m also planning to make souvenir ribbons (some examples of those on the last photo) but I’m struggling a little with the message. I thought about a “golden scale” ref but that was specifically a shiny Volcarona and my costume is a regular one. What might you expect from a Volcarona besides a bad attitude and maybe some contact burns?