The Worst Raid Ever!
Hello everyone. I would like to talk a few words about the Lunar New Year Event. I have been playing PokeMMO for about 900 hours. I have participated in many events and fought in raids so far. But some of the raid pokemon in this last event were really terrible.
I don't expect the raid events to be beginner friendly. But most of the pokemon in this year's raids were not even intermediate friendly. We defeated 12 raids with fully trained pokemon without any problems. However, many beginner-intermediate level players in our team had a hard time in raids.
I have a Youtube channel and I make PokeMMO videos. A few of my viewers mentioned that they could not win raid battles with random parties. I fought with random parties in a few raids just to try. It has become almost impossible to beat even the simplest raid battles with random parties.
Now let's talk about the last raid pokemon of the event, Shaymin! I have never seen such a terrible raid before. We spent a total of three and a half hours with our perfectly trained Pokemon. We could barely catch the stupid Pokemon. Some of the advanced players on our team spent 5-10 hours doing the same thing. Lots of unnecessary random variables, completely modified nonsensical mechanics really made me sick. I have never hated this game this much in the 900 hours I have played it.
Now, there will be know-it-alls who will write "skill issue" under this title in a ridiculous way. Let's say that me and the endgame level players on my team are incompetent players. Are other YouTubers the same? I watched Caav's stream, for example. Even a high-quality player suffered for hours on the stream.
I was so unenthusiastic at the end of the Shaymin raid that if there was a ball worse than a Pokeball in the game, I would have thrown it. I was on the live stream last night. I was so bored that I really didn't have the energy or motivation to be happy even if the stupid Shaymin's shiny form came out. If you want, ask the people in the community. It was really ridiculous to design a raid battle with such difficult and meaningless mechanics for such a meaningless poke.
At least a nice music should have been chosen for the Shaymin battle. Since we were going to spend hours, we should have listened to a nice music over and over again. Anyway, a side note to the moderators: Please give the professors who will write "skill issue" medals of excellence.