How can I let my headmates switch in?

I'm a host and I get front stuck, especially now, and I've lived as a singlet for as long as I can remember. It's all very new to me.

Because I made a promise to my loved ones (especially my fiancé) that I'd always be in charge, I've tried to uphold that while trying to respect the wishes of my headmates and do what will help them feel comfortable.I don't want to seem entitled but it's been my life we've navigating, we're in a crisis and I'm bad at asking for help.

Also, physically it's very hard for me to switch out or let a headmate do their job when I'm/the body is anxious. I am so tired and burned out all the time.

We're in a crisis and mental health breakdown, which is making it even harder. We work together so much better on anti anxiety tablets because of this. I want to give my cohosts more time in the body to do their thing but we're mostly closeted.

How do I loosen up and let my cohosts help me when I'm front stuck and unable to think straight?

  • J