Game won't go above 100fps no matter my graphics settings

Recently I upgraded to a 4070 super with a Ryzen 7 5700x. On every other game I get like max fps but just rust for some reason it caps at around 100 fps no matter what my settings are, sometimes it'll go to like 103 so it's not a harsh cap but still it seems odd. I average like 70-90fps, and for some reason it doesn't fluctuate depending on my settings like at all.

I've tried the whole fps.limit 144 / fps.limit -1 and all that in the launch options and game console, but that doesn't seem to do anything either.

I have a feeling this is something to do with hardware. I installed my new drivers and everything, and I don't think my CPU is throttling, I know rust is very CPU dependent, but I don't think I'd throttle with these specs, no?

Any help would be much appreciated I can't seem to figure this out.