AMA: I've donated over 275 gallons of plasma over 1.300+ donations. Ask Me Anything!

I started with DCI about 14 years ago. Then BPL, then Grifols. Then I started playing the "New Donor" field with with CSL, Biolife, and most recently Octapharma. All are in Austin, TX. Prior to donating plasma, I donated platelets for a family friend, and those donations were credited to his own treatment account. When that was over, I found out I could get paid real money for donating plasma and it was practically the same process. I donated 880 grams, then 800 (which was really 895 grams). And now with most recent process I donate 780-980 grams NOT including the sodium citrate added to the line.

I'm 57 years old, male, with some arteries that could use a roto-rooter (or a stent). But otherwise in moderate-OK health. No known afflictions from donating plasma (the process actually filters and removes fat and cholesterol from your blood, so that's a 'Good Thing').

Ask Me Anything (plasma related! - this is not a forum for my Ex's!).

To answer what many of your probably wonder:

QUESTION: What do my arms look like?

ANSWER: Hairy, now that I see them in close-ups. Yikes!

My right arm has over 1,000 donations and 4 major stick points over the years, mostly clustered right there in the same general area.

My left arm with 200+ donations: The far outside vein has been infiltrated twice at CSL and has a cyst-like bump on it for last 6 months. It is "off limits" now. The center vein still works and I currently use that most often.

Medical personnel outside of the plasma donation enters always recognize the faint scars as plasma donations rather than IV drug use. And there are no tract marks on my arms.

QUESTION: Will I retire anytime soon?

ANSWER: A Forced retirement due to perpetually lowering serum protein levels - A known problem for plasma "lifers".

While I can always pass the finger prick with a 6.3 to 6.9 lately, the blood serum tests they take every 4-6 months are often coming back below 6.0. Which is at least a 10-day deferral at that center until you can pass another serum protein test.

Except at CSL - where they don't normally take blood serum protein tests, but rather test the proteins in your donated plasma instead. I'm always OK there - and that's where I go when I'm deferred anyplace else :-)

Next question? ;-) This is not a "real-time chat". Give me a few hours or even a day to respond, And if you ask something a month from now - I'll still respond if I see your message.