Played our first pirate borg session (Buried in Bahamas)

This might have been the highlight of my rpg gaming… the one-shot I DM’ed with bunch of friends was an incredible experience.

This will be just random notes, words cannot express how good I feel. I don’t quite even know why I am writing this.

I have no words. I mean no right words.

It was like no other session Ive ever had. Incredible fun.

We played Buried in Bahamas one-shot and I changed a couple of things: players leveled up after one hour of playing - this gave them well needed hitpoints. Making a character takes a bit of time and players were excited about their characters so just to see them getting killed would have been a letdown.

Im so happy that they survived the first encounter alive (two of them had 1 hitpoint and should have been died but thanks to nat 20s and devils luck they somehow made it).

knewing my players… i think they would just randomly roamed the second isle so i put some action there, i made smaller isle to be habitated by cannibals instead of letting them freely roam there.

Since we were short on time… the ”three fingers gesture” became a thing on that isle. Even the three-headed monkey had seen the gesture and greeted players.

And after trying to capture village elder (who was furiously showing 3 fingers) when tribe of cannibals attacked lone pirate chef (one of the players controlling the chef) and attacked the chef with I think… 12 spears (d6 each) and poisoned dart (d4 + poison)… and I still dont know how - after a fumbled run and falling to ground - the chef was still alive, and made his escape to nearby boat. When first 6 tribesmen attacked I (dm) said that you can try make roll to escape but if you fail they get to you - he fumbled and got first 6 attacks and then 6 more attacks round later…

Long story short. They all should have been dead, multiple times. One hanging from mast (1 hp) when mast was blown off… (nat 20 rolled himself to safety), the chef should have drowned on first ship battle.. one another player’s pirate (hp 1 him too) should have died on first encounter but no.

In the very end one of the pirates died eventually just to be resurrcted ad a skeleton (and it so happened that this pirate’s background said ”skeleton bones” can be seen on him… his true self)

All the random tables were awesome… and they hit the marks constantly.

And everybody had dressed as pirates and… holy smokes… it was awesome. Im glad for doing some of those tweaks and keeping game on track while all players were really into playing their character and doing crazy things. Weve played lots of dnd thats so much about rules and while dnd is great, felt like we could focus on playing and characters and not worry about rules (basically we just rolled d20 with difficulty 12 if something needed a roll). Super cinematic action (we had like 3-4 amazing fights during 5ish hour one-shot). Crazy pirate stunts.

Granted… the random rolls were spot on, the amount of nat 20s (and nat 1s) was amazing, the players are a good fit, players really got into their role, and small plot changes were good… it all fell into place…

Thanks to creators of this game. You’ve done an amazing product. Our group really enjoyed it.