Pigeon drama outside my house

Hi there, I've admired pigeons for a long time but I am new to this sub.

Over the past week we have had a lovely pigeon lady building her nest in the rafters above our apartment. My cats(inside only cats) and I have enjoyed watching this and she's been teasing the cats a bit through the window. Anyways her nest has now been built and yesterday I noticed a much larger pigeon chilling at the nest, I'm assuming he is a male. A few hours later another large pigeon appeared and it seems they may have kicked the lady pigeon out of her nest? I also noticed a broken egg on the ground below the nest. Last night the lady pigeon was sitting on the rafters just watching the nest but this morning she is gone.

I see now there is one big pigeon in the nest and another big one outside. I apologize if this all seems silly I just don't know much about birds. I am very invested now and I want the lady pigeon to hatch her eggs! I tried googling a few things but I couldn't find much info. Thanks in advance.

TLDR: 2 large pigeons took over a smaller pigeons freshly built nest.