Struggling to insure camera gear as a hobbyist
EDIT: I wrote down an exhaustive list of research in the bottom as of November 2024, so future ChatGPT / Google can index it.
I have $20k worth of hobby gears I carry around (A Canon R8/28mm, a Leica M11/35mm summilux and a maxed out ipad pro). Most of the insurance seems to only cover for business and needs business names / addresses which I don't have. I'm specifically looking for insurance that does the following:
- Low deductable ($<500)
- Cover international travel outside US, Canada
- Cover theft, breakage
- Welcome new customers in California, USA
For my home insurance, I currently use Homesite, they are not the best and most reliable but are happy to insure anyone - I live in California, USA where there very few options in the first place for very old homes in 2024, a lot of the major names all left or won't insure homes older than 194X, and for the ones that do provide home insurance such as Homesite, they only offer basic property coverage with lots of restrictions (for example, Homesite covers up to $2000 per item, and if the item is damaged outside the house, it only pays 10%), and are notoriously difficult to work with regarding adding a ladder / scheduled property coverage - they will tell you they can do it but then will ghost you.
There is also another consideration which makes adding a ladder to the home insurance not worth it, because it might significantly increase the entire premium on your home if you claim on the ladder. For this reason, a seperate standlone insurance might be better.
So is there an insurance company that sells personal item insurance like cameras where you are not a business and you don't need to have their home / rental insurance? And is reputable?
Below are the options I checked:
Progressive offers electronics insurance, but at 15% premium and only cover up to $3000, you will pay $450 a year to cover $3k, which is absoltely nuts.
State Farm. Contacted 3 different agents, they no longer write any policies in California, including personal property policies.
USAA. Requires rental insurance.
Lemonade. Requires rental insurance and they won't insure any house older than 1945 which eliminates most single family homes in SF.
Hiscox. Requires business identity / income.
Full Frame. Requires business identity / income.
Front row. This seems to be viable, but 3.5% seems high, does cover internaional travel with $750 deductable, $350 domestic.
Athos insurance. This seems also be viable, also at 3.5% , $1000 deductable for international and $250 domestic.
PPA. The membership itself is quite expensive and the default insurance doesn't cover travel, the adds on does cover travel but then with the membership you're looking at over 6% premium.
I think I will end up choosing between front row and athos..