PSA—a couple pitbulls still up along the court and trails by Chamiounx Drive still

jan 8th i had off (rip president carter) and went for a 10/10 run along the trails by chamiounx drive, by the tennis court. 12 hours later, four pitbulls were spotted on the same trails, and ended up attacking multiple people across a large area--3800 and 2200 chamiounx drive. the one man was attacked so viciously he had two limps amputated.


today i went up there hoping to run again, and the scene was odd up there. a cop was driving the parameter of the field across from the new stable constructions. heading towards the south end of the tennis courts, i spotted a brown pitbull about 100-150 ft ahead of me run along the trails into the woods. head to bring it home through belmont instead, saw no dogs.

we spoke with two people also running who warned us the cop was looking for a second pitbull. please be careful if you go up to chamiounx drive. perhaps reconsider going alone for exercise for now. be careful out there.

i don't know how many are still out there. i can only confirm two, but all four could still be out there.

dogs are not born this way, some people raise them through pain and hate. to hell with people who dumped these dogs.