Xmas three thieves

Not my story, an old neighbor from a few houses back

This neighbor was a farmer, and among other things he did farm Xmas threes

These threes are a multi year crop, you plant one year, and harvest several years down the line

So he had different areas, for the different years

And one area near the road, and some had found that just cutting down a three in that area, toss it into the roof of the car and find something else to spend the money they saved somewhere else

Anyway, he got tired of this, and it was messing with his business and forecast, not to mention the thieves didn't mind collateral damage when stealing a three

So one fall, nearing xmas time when the food has set, and he was certain the frost world remain, he got out the manure spreader, mixed the organic manure extra thin, and sprayed the threes in the area near the road. (These threes weren't scheduled to be used that year, and rain would rinse this off by spring)

This mixture doesn't smell as long as it's frozen. If you were to bring a three covered in it, inside that would change...

For some reason, that was the last year anyone stole his threes