"Die With Zero" and inheritance timing

I recently read the book "Die With Zero" and I appreciated what it had to say about inheritance. Namely that while understandably people feel the need to make sure they have enough money to cover the outrageous costs of end-of-life care, let's say you end up still dying with a significant estate - six-to-seven figures. If you die at 85 and your kid is, say, 60, approaching retirement themselves, would they have rather had that inheritance earlier in life to improve their financial standing during their prime years kicking off a career, raising kids, buying a house, etc? By that principle the author says you're better off helping your children financially along the way than dumping a fortune on them at the end. Obviously if you're affluent enough to leave behind a large inheritance you may well have helped your kids with downpayments, weddings, grandchildren's college, too, but it got me thinking...

If you stood to inherit a large sum of money, when do you think would be your ideal age to receive it? If you end up with a large nest egg, will you plan to give significant amounts away along the way, or just pass the bulk of it on in your estate?