Error B0202

Hi all,

In short, has anyone been able to troubleshoot this error B0202 successfully? If so, any tips would be appreciated.

I am a fairly active user of my Peloton and have become pretty attached to the platform and the convenience that it offers after purchasing a bike in late 2019. The bike had been working fine, but the metrics all displayed 0 when I fired it up for a ride 2 days after my last ride. I have encountered this before, so I ran through all the usual troubleshooting like unplug, etc.

I called Peloton support and they did not offer to help me at all -- this is obviously different than past experiences when they would try troubleshooting with you on the line. Instead, they asked me to submit a video and responded that my inquiry was because my bike was making a strange noise . . . which wasn't the issue and which I did not report.

A few days later, Peloton called to tell me that I need a new frame, which will cost $1k. If my bike is dead after a good run, I could live with that, however disappointing and frustrating. But, I feel like the company hasn't looked into the issue at all and I may be getting bad service/customer support. And, to compound my issue, I obviously don't feel great ponying up serious cash to fix this or to buy a new Peloton given the company outlook and deteriorating customer experience with customer support.

Any recs or advice would be greatly appreciated.