CPU & AIO Giveaway w/ Cooler Master x PCMR!

Giveaway Concluded!

Winner is u/DerpMaster2

Good day PCMR legends, Beardman here!

We're going through a phase you see. We've [rebranded](coolermaster.com). We've colored our hair magenta and cyan, we're hanging out with different crowds, we're telling the establishment, "sup?". Okay enough of that. To kick off this rebrand we've partnered with Intel to giveaway an i9 10900k and the ML360 SUB-ZERO to one lucky winner. Additionally, there will also be a clone of this giveaway on our Discord, but with different entry requirements and will be held after this one to not steal any thunder from it.

How about something lighthearted? We've just completed the 2nd month of 2021 and we seem mostly okay so far. Let's try to continue that trend. To enter the giveaway I just want to to finish this sentence: "I love gaming because..." in the comments. The sentence can be whatever you like (though keep it clean). It can be as short or long as you like, as I do personally enjoy reading about people's experiences with gaming. That's it! That is all you need to do.


  • CPU: i9 10900k
  • Cooler: MasterLiquid ML360 SUB-ZERO

How to enter!

  • Just so it is clear. Finish this sentence: "I love gaming because..." As an example your post could read something like this "I love gaming because of pew pew lazers and Michael Bay explosions!" (Feel free to take this is you like.)

Other Stuff That We Have to Include or We'll get Silly Questions All Day. This Header Sure is Long...

  • Winner will be selected at random so all have a fair chance to win.
  • Contest is open GLOBALLY! Except where prohibited by law.
  • Contest will run for one week starting today and ending on March 12th, 2021 at 11:59PM PST