I take it this isn't normal?
Just Cleaned my PC and noticed this, I take it the metal pads aren't supposed to be chipped but had to ask if anyone know how this could have happened. I've had the PC for around 6 months with no issues and never noticed this before.
All of the following is probably irrelevant but feel free to read
Had my PC for around 6 months, Everything has been working completely fine. Except the random freezes (like 2 times now) or black screens (maybe like 3 times) which have all been fixed with either a restart or a update.
I started playing Monster Hunter Wild, This is probably just a coincidence but the games has been crashing non-stop for me around 10 times in a 3-4hr play session. the next day I wanted to try fix it so I updated drivers for my 7900XT then it played completely fine for the next 3-4 hrs i played. So now today I only played for about an hour since it crashed another 3 times.
And just then my PC had a melt down, Was trying to set up a "window back-up" and it did it's thing. Tried to open the USB i backed it up on to (its 473GB or so) and then it gave me an error saying the USB is currupt or unreadable. Then gave me a good 30 seconds before proceeded to just freeze the screen (second monitor went black sfter about 10 seconds) audio would play but my friends on call could no longer hear me. (had to shut down by holding the power button)
No decided it would be a good time to give my PC a break, clean it check any connections and make sure my support bracket i got off amazon was still tight enough to hold up the GPU from sagging.