I have a stutter/lag problem in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare lll
I have a stutter/lag problem that have been going on in both MWll & MWlll and its driving mer crazy..
I have watched alot of tutorials to fix this issue but can't find any solution to the problem.
As you can see on the specs i have a bottleneck processor but in this case its only the cod games i get the stutter and lag (fps drops). In game i have around 60-120 fps, the 60fps diffrent can happend every second.. as you also can see its using 80-90% on the cpu and around 10-30% gpu when im in game.
I also get a (packet burst icon). The lag and stutter is often in gunfights. I have tried so many diffrent settings options and even try to fix some stuff in the MWlll config files.
Have anyone here hade the same problem and now have a more smooth gameplay experience?
I will uppgrade the processor for bo6 but for now i just want MWlll to run more smooth withou stutter and fps dropps.
Any tips will help, Thanks alot!