How to keep enjoying/being enthusiastic about games when time is limited?

This is probably a strange question, sorry about that.

My wife and I have an amazing nine month old baby daughter who we love immensely. My wife is not an avid gamer (I was shocked when she got hooked on both Breath of the Wild and Horizon: Zero Dawn and beat both of them).

Basically, even in a pandemic where we live, work, relax, and find entertainment almost exclusively in our home, I don’t get much free time to game. My wife is really awesome in that, if we set it up in advance, I can on rare occasions get a half day or occasionally even a whole day to myself to play video games. It’s just not with any regularity.

I kind of thought I’d accepted all of that and the fact that, if I was going to continue gaming, it would require me playing in much smaller bursts - 2, maybe 3 hours scattered here and there. I’m finding though that it’s making it very, very difficult for me to see games through to their satisfying ends (something I already struggled with even before the kiddo came along).

It makes it very difficult for me to stay invested in a game, especially something like a slow paced single player experience, when I don’t know with any reliability when I’ll be able to invest “serious” time into it. When I was much younger and much more single, I would often get stuck in on games - I remember beating the original Mass Effect in just a few days, basically only surfacing to go to work or do chores/errands - and I think my inability to do that is also tampering with my ability to finish games.

It’s also not helped by the fact that I have to choose between SP stuff and MP stuff - the latter being with friends and often much more of a drop in/drop out experience, rather than a start to finish one.

For those of you who have either always played in much smaller bursts (1-2 hours at a time) or have found a way to enjoy much extended journeys (a 20 hour game taking months to complete): how? Do you have any advice on how I can get out my head and enjoy what disparate time I do have and stick to games to see them all the way through?

I’m getting pretty frustrated with really enjoying a game for the first couple of sit downs (or on those rare days where I can play for, like. 5-6 hours) only to find myself lost when I come back to them (or losing interest because I’ve forgotten controls or story elements or something).

Thanks in advance.