Oh Skyrim...

After many previous attempts to get into the game over the past years and never getting past 3-4 hours, a few days ago I bought in on Steam on sale with the intention of trying once again. Found the mods community, installed a bunch of aesthetic, followers (Serana and Sofia together are so much fun) and dialogue mods and... the rest is history.

I've been playing for 7-8 hours daily for the past 5 days while working a 9-5 job. I need sleep!

send help plz

40 hours into the game, I have barely completed 3-4 main story quests and am having so much fun. No wonder this is one of the most popular games of all time and something like a gold standard for what open world games should be like.

It has a lot of shortcomings, don't get me wrong, but with the power of modding and the generosity of the modding community, most of those flaws can be overcome and one can play a superb game, made even better by personalizing it.

I know there must be thousands of posts about this game, so I'll stop here.