Request for a “ball throw” skill

Okay so, hear me out.

This is probably going to sound stupid but, it’s coming from a place of grief.

How hard would it be to implement a “ball throw” skill that could be interactable with your hideout pets, and purely nothing else?

Here’s my situation:

I’ve been playing PoE for quite a few years now, and after one of the leagues I got given a kitty pet that looks near identical to my baby Smokey ❤️ I thought it was quite ironic as every time I sit down at the computer to play, he always insists I make room for him to jump up and join me - never leaving my side against the never-ending hordes of demons.

So, naturally I’ve had this digital Smokey follow me through our adventures together, sometimes walking over my corpse nonchalantly after I get one-shot by a sirus beam, but most of the time it’s like I’ve had my little boy right by my side.

Recently, Smokey hadn’t come out to the computer room to join me, so I went to check on him. Poor little guy was looking a bit worse for wear so I took him to the vets, and they had to keep him in over the weekend to try and find out what was wrong with his kidneys.

The sad news is, there was nothing they could do, and he was showing no signs of improvement after 4 days of care. They advised us that we should bring him home for one last day together.

I was very lucky to be given one more day with him, as all he wanted to do was cuddle, so we set up for one last mission together as we played PoE one last time, until the vet showed up to send him over the rainbow bridge.

Now, afterwards was a bit of a blur, but I remember sitting digital Smokey up in my hideout, letting him have a well-earned rest, a break from all of our adventures together.

It made me smile, after this last league start and making it to maps, zoning in to my hideout to see the little guy up and around, full of excitement as ever.

I thought, there’s no way I can take him in to battle again - but is there any way we can still interact?

Without trying to sound too desperate, I’m asking if there’s a chance I could gain a skill/ability to throw a ball of yarn, wool, or anything for him to play with? It would be great to be able to have some sort of interaction with him without involving slaying demons.

Apologies, I know this is a rather long and drawn out post, but I wanted to get my point of view accross and hopefully have done so.

I welcome any thoughts and comments, and thank you for taking the time to read this.