Gay men and their Palm Springs homes: Modernism Week - was it me?? 🙂

This was my first experience with Modernism Week. I was able to tour some great homes in terms of design, layout, furnishings, and of course, the Mid-century vibe. I toured 14 homes. I met some wonderful, gracious owners and very helpful docents. Overall, I enjoyed it but then, I like architecture and well-done Mid-century interior design.

Of the 14 homes, 9 were owned by a gay man, a gay couple, or a gay throuple, or combination of a gay couple and their good friend who is an interior designer. 🙂 I have to tell you, I was claustrophobic in just about all the homes owned by gay men! EVERY surface was covered with stuff! Paintings (including many abstracts with very loud colors) on every inch of wall space and then, paintings propped up because there was no place to hang them. Knickknacks, tchotchkes, elegant glass, bowls, vases, books, throws, ornate mirrors, exquisitely designed coffee and end tables, etc., etc. In one home, I was so overwhelmed by the colors and the clutter (and the low ceilings) that I had to get out there!🙃 My favorite room in any house is the bathroom. A few bathrooms I saw were so over-the-top, I couldn't imagine using them on a daily basis - the tiles were loud and garish.

The remaining 4 homes were owned by a single woman, and 3 hetero couples. Simple (and expensive) interiors and cleaner lines but way less stuff packed into those spaces.

Even my few gay friends here in San Francisco have these homes packed with stuff! I don't get it. Is that a gay thing? A lot of "stuff?"