Changing expertise?

Hi everyone, I am currently on Outlier trying to weigh my options on whether I should change my expertise or not however I do have a few concerns which I would like to share with you and see if anybody could answer them.

The first being is it worth it changing my expertise. I can’t fully remember my expertise and even after checking my approval email, Outlier did not tell me what my expertise was, all I know is that from the projects I’m currently in, they are language based, so I would like to assume that I am a Canadian English Language expert. I am curious about coding and biology however I am a bit nervous on the difficultly of the current projects. I would rather not change expertise just to be placed in a project I cannot do.

My second concern is whether becoming a generalist is a better option. I do not know what kinds of projects generalists are usually placed in. Another option is becoming an English freelance writer but again I am not sure what projects are currently running and what they entail.

My third concern is, and I’m sorry to sound like one of thousands of parrots, but is there an expertise that does not usually place their contributors in EQ. Personally, I do not mind EQ every now and then, I’m an irresponsible workaholic that does not know how to stop working so EQ forcibly makes me take a break (lol), but I have a lot of free time as of right now which I think would be better spent working. Unfortunately, I do not have many options outside of Outlier as I am South African, DA does not accept applications from us and I doubt that Stellar AI does as well so Outlier has been my saving grace during the holidays. A little about myself, I am a third year uni student and during these past two months I’ve applied to hundreds (this is not an exaggeration) of jobs to which I have been unsuccessful. If anybody has any other suggestions that I could try that would also be very helpful. If you’ve managed to get this far, thank you for at least reading my post. :)